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God knows you

“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.” Psalm 139:1

I’m sure that you have had this experience… you meet someone and know their face but can’t remember where from or what their name is. Probably, they are having the same experience too.

We all like being remembered, to be known. When we feel forgotten by God it can be a devastating experience that leaves us deflated, exhausted and feeling abandoned. When this happens to me, I read again my own Book of Remembrance : all the times God has demonstrated His love for me that are specifically for me. One of my favourites was when I was reading a Robin Hobb trilogy. As soon as I finished the first book, the second was immediately there, in an Op shop that I don’t always go to, but did that day. And again, the third book was in another Op shop, tucked around a corner, waiting for me, just when I needed it. Small things when compared to the avalanche of human need all around us, but just as  little foxes damage our hope and nibble at our faith, so too can the little  things that our Father does for us every day build us up and bolster our courage, secure in the knowledge that He knows us.

‘Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.‘ Isaiah 43:1

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Postal Address

PO Box 12
Dorrigo NSW 2453

Service Time

1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of Month 9.30am
2nd & 4th Sundays of Month 2.30pm
Uniting Church Hall,
7 Myrtle Street
Dorrigo NSW 2453

Dorrigo Lifesprings Church inc ABN 90 220 116 735

© Dorrigo Lifesprings 2023.  Paintings by Ineke Hopgood