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We are fashioned by His hands

SEEK Devotional Day 4

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

The story so far… Jesus gives us His advice for our lives, “remain in my Love”. Why? Because His Love may be “patient and kind” and all those other lovely things, but mine is a wavering and beleaguered romantic notion that, yes, has aspirations to the Divine, but also has delusions of grandeur. Given that we will have tribulation and suffering in this world, our survival depends  on being in His presence.Our ability to ‘do good works’ with ‘the fulness of joy’ He offers instead of remaining in the fire swamp to take our chances, depends on knowing that just as we are fashioned by His hand, so is the work that He has for us to do. Custom made, fitting like a glove. You can do it because He designed you to do it.

Synchronicity is a wondrous  thing. Just as I was writing about being in His presence,  Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger began singing “the more I seek You” worship song via i-Bethel TV and I heard again  where we live our lives
When I  “sit at Your feet…drink from the cup in Your hand…lay back against You and breathe and hear your heart beat”…I have all I need.  You do, indeed, make me brave to do what You have designed me to do, with all the love and joy and peace which is the Kingdom of God . It’s in my DNA.

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PO Box 12
Dorrigo NSW 2453

Service Time

1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of Month 9.30am
2nd & 4th Sundays of Month 2.30pm
Uniting Church Hall,
7 Myrtle Street
Dorrigo NSW 2453

Dorrigo Lifesprings Church inc ABN 90 220 116 735

© Dorrigo Lifesprings 2023.  Paintings by Ineke Hopgood