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Lifesprings Op Shop

Dorrigo Lifesprings Op Shop provides clothing, household items and furniture at low cost (or no cost for those in need) for our community and provides a space where people can experience the unconditional love of God. Through the support of our community we have been able to donate financial assistance to numerous local community groups, as well as to Australian and overseas missions

Opening hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am to 1pm
71 Hickory St Dorrigo, NSW

Contact Us

Postal Address

PO Box 12
Dorrigo NSW 2453

Service Time

1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of Month 9.30am
2nd & 4th Sundays of Month 2.30pm
Uniting Church Hall,
7 Myrtle Street
Dorrigo NSW 2453

Dorrigo Lifesprings Church inc ABN 90 220 116 735

© Dorrigo Lifesprings 2023.  Paintings by Ineke Hopgood